
FNF Coder/Haxe Developer

Hello there, I'm a 18-year-old coder (geek) who likes to play a lot with codes of every kind.
I'm used to code in Haxe, Java, SVG, HTML, C# language (kind of), and sometimes Batch files I
make by my own when I'm bored hehe.

I'm also the main coder for a whole lot of mods in progress like my own mod called Space Trace,
and the website manager of the FNMC RPG game that's currently being worked so hard.

I've also made a brand new GameJolt Client for FNF taking inspiration from the original
(and deprecated) adaptation made by TentaRJ for Indie Cross

You can check My Portfolio if you're interested in watch what I've been able to do so far,
things like work for mods or personal projects

Feel free to contact me if you want more information, there's no problem at all! (I like to help others).
You can do it by any of the social media shown below!